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Circuit dynamics of superficial and deep CA1 pyramidal cells and inhibitory cells in freely moving macaques


Diverse neuron classes in hippocampal CA1 have been identified through the heterogeneity of their cellular/molecular composition. How these classes relate to hippocampal function and the network dynamics that support cognition in primates remains unclear. Here, we report inhibitory functional cell groups in CA1 of freely moving macaques whose diverse response profiles to network states and each other suggest distinct and specific roles in the functional microcircuit of CA1. In addition, pyramidal cells that were grouped by their superficial or deep layer position differed in firing rate, burstiness, and sharp-wave ripple-associated firing. They also showed strata-specific spike-timing interactions with inhibitory cell groups, suggestive of segregated neural populations. Furthermore, ensemble recordings revealed that cell assemblies were preferentially organized according to these strata. These results suggest that hippocampal CA1 in freely moving macaques bears a sublayer-specific circuit organization that may shape its role in cognition.


Saman AbbaspoorKari L Hoffman

Published: 2024




Research Area:

Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience, Developmental Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience
