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Better Designs + Superior SNR + Integrated Headstage + Turnkey Cloud Data Processing + Personalized Service
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Silicon Probes

Multiple Designs to Pinpoint your Area of Interest -- All Under a Gram
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Key Benefits

High Channel Count

record many neurons simultaneously 

Tailored Site Locations

target specific brain regions

Integrated Headstage

lightweight packaging fit for small, behaving animal experiments

Tiny Probe Footprint

minimally invasive

Chronic Longevity

stable recording over many months

Explore our full catalog and cloud software

"It's really the size of the probes that is the differentiator. We could mount them on the head with [a camera] because the headstage is integrated. Everything's just really small... And the four shank electrodes are just perfect for us. Because their depth is the same depth as visual cortex, the four of them span across the region. So that's the other thing is there's much more flexibility of the designs; there's different types of geometries that you can get."


Explore our Silicon Probes in Research


Thalamus drives vocal onsets in the zebra finch courtship song

Michael Long's lab at NYU uses the P128-5 with 4 shanks and a compact span for recordings in the 
zebra finch HVC, premotor, and primary motor cortical sites.


A dynamic sequence of visual processing initiated by gaze shifts

Cris Niell's lab at University of Oregon uses the P64-3 with 2 shanks and a linear span for recordings in mice visual cortex, V1.

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Extrinsic control and intrinsic computation in the
hippocampal CA1 circuit

György Buzsáki's lab at NYU uses the P128-2 with 2 shanks and a linear span for recordings in mice
hippocampus, CA1 and CA3 regions.